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Branding Your Business - New Logo

Logo Face Lift

Having a easily recognizable and standout logo is crucial to building a strong brand. And since we practice what we preach here a LVLD Design; we did just that, and created ourselves a new logo that we feel better represents our business.

LVLD Design, Design Firm, LVLD Logo, leveled design, logo design, business logo

Ever play that "LogosQuiz" App on your phone? Its just a series of logos (with the brand name removed) and you have to guess the company name just from the logo. Its almost scary how many you will be able to recognize just from an image or partial logo. It truly goes to show how important having an easily recognizable logo is to your brand. Your Logo is your company's first impression to your customers after all.

First Impressions

The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos said it pretty well when he stated "Your Brand is what people say about you when your not in the room." Your logo defines your business and brand at a glace. If your logo is your first impression of your brand to customers, then what do you want it to say about you?

Once you answer the above question you can determine how to design your Logo to portray just that.

Pick a Color

First off..... Colors. Color play a huge roll in what message your Logo expresses. Millions have been spent researching logo colors and how that influences a customer.

Red: Exciting, Active, Bold, Passionate, Pioneering, Power, Ambition, Leader, Confidence, High Energy

Blue: Trustworthy, Loyal, Control, Purpose, Perspective, Determination

Green: Growth, Prosperity, Balance, Clean, Safe, Sustainable, Clarity, Compassion, Nature

Yellow: Intellectual, Happiness, Social, Optimistic, Spontaneity, Freedom, Impulse

Pink: Love, Caring, Sensitive, Nurturing, Feminine

Purple: Wisdom, Creative, Mysterious, Spiritual, Royalty

Black: Strength, Power, Professionalism, Accurate, Sophisticated

As you can see, for our new design at LVLD we chose Black for our logo, to promote our Professionalism and High Value to our our customer.


With a color selected, now what should the actual Logo Design be? First off, keep it simple. You want a logo that sticks with people and is recognizable. If you have a highly complex Logo, it will make it that much harder for people to remember and identify it.

If you need help with Logo Design LVLD can help for very affordable prices. New Logo designs from LVLD start at as low as $47 and we will revise the logo as many times as you want for free until we find one you are happy with!

Email to get started.

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